Yellow Badge

1879 Completed
11 Videos
7 Exercises

Patch Review Exercises


CVE-2016-10033: PHPMailer RCE
  • This exercise covers a remote code execution vulnerability in PHPMailer
  • 1 video
  • Completed by 3477 students
  • Takes < 1 Hr. on average
  • PHP
  • CWE-77


  • This exercise covers a remote code execution vulnerability in Ruby-on-Rails when using render on user-supplied data
  • 1 video
  • Completed by 3384 students
  • Takes < 1 Hr. on average
  • Rails
  • CWE-20


Cipher block chaining
  • This exercise details how to tamper with data encrypted using CBC
  • 2 videos
  • Completed by 2704 students
  • Takes 1-2 Hrs. on average
  • PHP
  • crypto


Play Session Injection
  • This exercise covers the exploitation of a session injection in the Play framework. This issue can be used to tamper with the content of the session while bypassing the signing mechanism
  • 2 videos
  • Completed by 2674 students
  • Takes < 1 Hr. on average
  • Java/Play


Play XML Entities
  • This exercise covers the exploitation of a XML entities in the Play framework.
  • 1 video
  • Completed by 2106 students
  • Takes 1-2 Hrs. on average
  • Java/Play


JSON Web Token II
  • This exercise covers the exploitation of an issue with some implementations of JWT
  • 3 videos
  • Completed by 3465 students
  • Takes 1-2 Hrs. on average
  • PHP
  • jwt
  • cwe-310


Struts s2-045
  • This exercise covers a Remote Code Execution in Struts 2.
  • 1 video
  • Completed by 2577 students
  • Takes < 1 Hr. on average
  • Tomcat/Struts