PHP phar://

This exercise covers how the PHP phar:// handler can be used to gain code execution using PHP unserialize.

< 1 Hr.
Brown Badge

In this exercise, we delve into PHP handlers file:// and phar://. While file:// is commonly known across multiple programming languages, phar:// is specific to PHP. This lab teaches you how to use file_get_contents() to retrieve files and leak the source code of an application hosted in /var/www. By analyzing the source code, you will identify exploitable gadgets, especially focusing on the __destruct() function.

The primary goal is to create a malicious PHP archive using the phar:// handler, which will leverage the __destruct() function to gain code execution. The lab provides a step-by-step guide on how to build a phar file, upload it to the server, and execute it to achieve the desired exploit. This hands-on approach will solidify your understanding of PHP deserialization vulnerabilities and their potential impact.

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