How People Use PentesterLab: Beyond the Usual Training

Published: 25 Dec 2024

PentesterLab is widely recognized as a top-tier training platform for application security (AppSec) professionals, penetration testers, and code reviewers. However, our platform's flexibility and depth have inspired creative uses far beyond the typical. Here are some surprising ways organizations and individuals leverage PentesterLab to address unique challenges and foster growth.

Vouchers for Security Champions

Companies often reward security champions—developers who go above and beyond to prioritize security in their work with PentesterLab vouchers. These vouchers not only acknowledge their efforts but also empower them with practical skills to better advocate for security within their teams.

Support for Failed Interviews

Some organizations provide PentesterLab vouchers to candidates who fail interviews for application security, code review or pentester roles. This approach helps candidates identify gaps in their knowledge and develop the skills needed to succeed in future interviews. It’s an investment in potential talent, demonstrating a willingness to nurture growth.

Probation Period Challenges

Employers integrate PentesterLab into probationary periods, challenging new hires to complete specific badges within a set timeframe. This not only evaluates their technical abilities but also fosters hands-on learning, ensuring a stronger start in their role. It also has the advtange to keep new employees busy during onboarding.

Developer Training: Thinking Like a Hacker

PentesterLab helps developers think like hackers, giving them insights into how attackers exploit vulnerabilities. This training isn’t about turning developers into pentesters but equipping them to write secure code and identify potential flaws during the development process.

Incident Response (IR) Team Training

IR teams use PentesterLab to deepen their understanding of real-world attacks. By working through labs, they gain firsthand knowledge of what attackers do, including pivoting techniques and post-exploitation activities. This enhances their ability to detect and respond to sophisticated threats.

Discovering Future Security Team Members

Some organizations use PentesterLab as a scouting tool to identify developers who might have the aptitude and passion to join their AppSec or security teams. Watching how individuals tackle labs provides valuable insight into their problem-solving skills and genuine interest in security. As one user put it: "It's one thing to love the idea of being a hacker; it’s another to truly love being one.".


PentesterLab’s versatility makes it more than a training platform—it’s a tool for fostering talent, building teams, and nurturing a culture of security. Whether you're looking to motivate employees, train developers, or scout future security experts, PentesterLab provides the resources to make it happen.

Explore new ways to use PentesterLab within your organization and discover how it can help you meet your security and training goals.

Photo of Louis Nyffenegger
Written by Louis Nyffenegger
Founder and CEO @PentesterLab