PentesterLab Roadmap: Learn Bug Bounty Step-by-Step

Published: 18 Dec 2024

Bug bounty hunting has become an exciting way to develop security skills, earn some extra income, and contribute to securing applications around the world. Whether you're just starting out or looking to level up your bug bounty game, PentesterLab can provide the structured learning you need to succeed. Here's a clear roadmap tailored for both free and paid users of PentesterLab.

Step 1: Start with the Basics
For Free Users: Bootcamp + Recon Badge

If you’re just beginning your bug bounty journey and using only PentesterLab's free content, start with the Bootcamp. This will introduce you to the foundational skills you need to understand web vulnerabilities and penetration testing basics.

Once you've completed the Bootcamp, focus on the Recon Badge (free). Reconnaissance is an essential skill for bug bounty hunters, as it helps you identify potential attack surfaces before others.

Each month, we make a few labs available for free, referred to as the Free Labs of the Month. Be sure to complete them each month!

Finally, you can use our free ISO labs to learn a lot of new techniques and attacks, you can find them in the Free Offline Labs section of the site. You will only need virtualization software to boot the ISO.

  • Free Path Summary:
    • Complete Bootcamp
    • Earn the Recon Badge
    • Work on the Free Labs of the Month (updated regularly)
    • Work on the Free Offline ISOs (updated regularly)

These free resources are more than enough to get your hands dirty and start identifying your first few bugs in real-world applications.

Step 2: Level Up with a Paid Subscription

If you have access to a PentesterLab paid subscription, your learning path expands significantly. You also get access to video walkthroughs that will help you learn the right way to do things.

Goal: Achieve the White Badge

Achieving White Badge is a milestone that demonstrates you’ve gained solid practical skills in web application security. Here’s how to proceed:

  1. Complete the Bootcamp and Recon Badge, just like free users.
  2. Progress through PentesterLab’s exercises to achieve the White Badge.

Why the White Badge? It ensures you’ve covered the major web vulnerabilities (in the previous badges, especially the Essential Badge), have proper foundations in Unix and Network Security (PCAP Badge and HTTP Badge), and have hands-on experience, making you ready to identify and report bugs effectively.

Step 3: Start Testing and Balancing Learning

Once you’ve achieved the Recon Badge and are on your way to the White Badge, it’s time to start testing in bug bounty programs. But don’t drop learning completely! A good balance between learning and testing will accelerate your success.

Here’s a suggested approach for managing your time:
  • Start with a 50/50 Split:
    • Spend 50% of your time learning new skills on PentesterLab and 50% testing on real bug bounty platforms.
    • Example: If you dedicate 10 hours a week to bug bounty, spend 5 hours learning and 5 hours testing.
  • Gradually Shift Focus to Bug Bounty:
    • As you gain confidence and start identifying bugs, increase the time spent on testing.
    • Move from 50/50 to 70/30, and eventually aim for 90/10 (90% bug bounty testing, 10% learning).
  • Why Keep Learning?
    • Bug bounty programs are competitive, and you’ll often need to think outside the box. Continuing to learn on PentesterLab ensures you stay ahead and refine your skills.
    • Use learning time to dive into new vulnerability classes, improve recon skills, or explore advanced topics.

Step 4: Build Your Momentum

As you follow this plan, you'll notice a natural progression:

  1. Learn -> Test -> Fail -> Learn Again: Every time you miss a bug or fail to find anything, go back to PentesterLab and strengthen your skills.
  2. Celebrate Small Wins: Landing your first bug, even a low-severity one, is a major milestone. Use this success to motivate yourself.
  3. Stay Consistent: The key to bug bounty success is consistency. Dedicate a set number of hours per week, even if it’s small.

Summary: A Roadmap to Success
Free Path:
  • Bootcamp
  • Recon Badge
  • Free Labs of the Month
  • Free ISOS
  • Start bug bounty hunting with foundational skills.
Paid Path:
  • Complete labs to achieve the White Badge.
  • Recon Badge
  • Split time between learning (PentesterLab) and testing:
    • Start with 50/50
    • Gradually move to 90/10 as you improve.

By leveraging PentesterLab's structured content, you'll develop the confidence and skills necessary to find vulnerabilities and succeed in bug bounty programs. Whether you’re starting for free or investing in a paid subscription, consistency, learning, and persistence are your keys to success.

Ready to start your journey? Sign Up for PentesterLab and start building your skills today!

Photo of Louis Nyffenegger
Written by Louis Nyffenegger
Founder and CEO @PentesterLab