Introduction 00

This exercise will guide you through the process of scoring on an exercise to get it marked as completed

< 1 Hr.

In this video, we cover the first exercise in PentesterLab, titled "Introduction 00". This exercise is designed to help users get comfortable with the platform. You will navigate to the Exercises page, where you will find an online system. By visiting a specific page, you will receive a key that looks similar to the example provided. You can then copy this key, return to the Exercises page, submit it, and complete the exercise.

This initial task is straightforward and aims to introduce you to the basic functionality of the PentesterLab system. The exercise encourages you to explore the platform, submit your key, and provide feedback on your experience, including the time spent and any comments you may have. This feedback is valuable for improving the platform and ensuring a seamless user experience.

Want to learn more? Get started with PentesterLab Pro! GOPRO