Orange Badge

375 Completed
22 Videos
15 Exercises

Patch Review Exercises


XSS Include
  • This exercise covers how one can use Cross-Site-Scripting Include to leak information.
  • 1 video
  • Completed by 1173 students
  • Takes < 1 Hr. on average
  • Ruby/Rails
  • XSS
  • CWE-87


JSON Cross-Site Request Forgery
  • This exercise details the exploitation of a Cross-Site Request Forgery when JSON is used
  • 2 videos
  • Completed by 1335 students
  • Takes < 1 Hr. on average


  • This exercise covers how one can use SVG to trigger a Cross-Site-Scripting.
  • 1 video
  • Completed by 1615 students
  • Takes < 1 Hr. on average
  • Ruby/Rails
  • CWE-79


Introduction to CSP
  • This exercise details the exploitation of a XSS in a simple web application that uses Content Security Policy
  • 1 video
  • Completed by 2249 students
  • Takes < 1 Hr. on average


Cross-Site WebSocket Hijacking
  • This exercise covers Cross-Site WebSocket Hijacking and how it can be used to gain access to sensitive information
  • 2 videos
  • Completed by 994 students
  • Takes < 1 Hr. on average
  • Ruby/Sinatra


  • This exercise covers how insecure calls to the JavaScript function postMessage() can be used to leak sensitive information
  • 2 videos
  • Completed by 1098 students
  • Takes < 1 Hr. on average
  • Ruby/Sinatra


postMessage() II
  • This exercise covers how insecure calls to the JavaScript function postMessage() can be used to leak sensitive information when a listener does not filter the origin
  • 2 videos
  • Completed by 967 students
  • Takes < 1 Hr. on average
  • Ruby/Sinatra


postMessage() III
  • This exercise covers how insecure calls to the JavaScript function postMessage() can be used to trigger a Cross-Site Scripting
  • 2 videos
  • Completed by 869 students
  • Takes < 1 Hr. on average
  • Ruby/Sinatra


postMessage() IV
  • This exercise covers how insecure calls to the JavaScript function postMessage() can be used to leak sensitive information when a listener does not filter the origin and X-Frame-Options is used
  • 1 video
  • Completed by 858 students
  • Takes < 1 Hr. on average
  • HTML/Javascript


Cross-Site Request Forgery
  • This exercise details the exploitation of a Cross-Site Request Forgery to gain access to sensitive data
  • 2 videos
  • Completed by 1420 students
  • Takes < 1 Hr. on average
  • CWE-352


CVE-2018-6574: go get RCE
  • This exercise covers a remote command execution in Golang's go get command.
  • 1 video
  • Completed by 801 students
  • Takes < 1 Hr. on average
  • CWE-94


CVE-2016-5386: HTTPoxy/Golang HTTProxy namespace conflict
  • This exercise covers the exploitation of HTTPoxy against an old version of Golang
  • 3 videos
  • Completed by 832 students
  • Takes < 1 Hr. on average
  • CWE-284


Cross-Origin Resource Sharing II
  • This exercise covers Cross-Origin Resource Sharing and how it can be used to get access to sensitive data.
  • 1 video
  • Completed by 933 students
  • Takes < 1 Hr. on average
  • Ruby/Sinatra/Angular


CVE-2018-11235: Git Submodule RCE
  • This exercise details the exploitation of a vulnerability in Git Sub module that can be used to get command execution
  • Completed by 461 students
  • Takes 2-4 Hrs. on average
  • CWE-22


Cross-Site Leak
  • This exercise covers how one can use Cross-Site Leak to recover sensitive information
  • 1 video
  • Completed by 509 students
  • Takes 2-4 Hrs. on average
  • Ruby